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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Reading Rainbow - Canceled

The thought that my daughter will not grow up with the familiar "Butterfly in the sky" theme song saddens my heart today. While flipping through the posts over at Chronicle Books blog I stumbled upon the post A Reading Rainbow Goodbye. I nearly cried. The instituion that I knew and loved and looked forward to sharing with my daughter would be no longer. A 26 year history of showing children the magic and joy that can be had from reading.

PBS "doesn't have to take my word for it" they can read the online petitions. Care2 petitionsite has a second petition posted online. Feel free to add your name (which can be anonymous) as well as your thoughts on the show.

My daughter just watched an episode where they made cannoli's and she reported the sweetest recipe to me. "You just have to get some taco shells and roll them, then get some fake frosting..." I promised her that next week we would give them a try. A simple extension of reading - all spawned from a magical show.

Do you have a favorite episode? Is there a book that you love that you found while watching the show?