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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FAQ & How To Play Along

So what exactly is the KidLit Book Hook?
This is a site to host an online interactive book club of sorts.
Our plan is to bi-weekly select a new piece of children's literature that we will all use to participate in the KidLit Book Challenge. You can see what we are currently reading over in the right hand side bar.

How can I play along?
If you want to participate pull the book from your shelf, borrow it from the library or a friend, or if you feel so inclined buy a copy (preferably from a great local independent book store).

Take the two weeks to locate, read and read again (and in some cases again and again) the book to your child, classroom, grand babies or whomever would like to sit next to you and hear a great story told aloud.

When you are done with the book - take a moment to think of something that you and the listener can do to further expand upon the story. You can create a piece of art, sing a song, visit an exhibit, act out the story, make a book themed snack or follow your imagination - the sky is the limit.

Come back here by the posting date and add a link to your blog post detailing what it is you did to enhance the expereince of the book. Your post should include a link to the book post here at KidLit Book Hook, feel free to give a review of the book, suggest other books that may be similar in theme or style, and of course tell about what you did to expand on the book and help hook a young reader for life.

Then come back and click on all the participants links to see what others have done with the book.

Do I have to participate in every book selection?
No, pick and choose which you would like to do. We certainly would love to have you along for each book! But we know how life can get. We also know that everyone has different tastes. Subscribe to the site via email or your choosen reader and get updates on when we select new books. We plan to have occasional polls to find out what it is you would like to read our what your little listener likes to hear. If you don't see a current poll and you still want to suggest a book or two - feel free to contact us.

I have created a cool/unusual/neat project that relates to a children's book - would you like to see my blog post about it?

Absolutely. We want to build this site up as a resource. Feel free to contact us with a link to your project. Perhaps we will include you in the Creative Book Projects side bar.

Can I link to your site on my blog?
For sure - spread the word! Subscribe to our posts so you can come back and grab a button (coming sooon). Be sure to participate in our bi-weekly read alongs to earn blog badge buttons (also coming soon).